Sunday 14 May 2017

Term 2: Week 3 Learning

Inquiry this week we will be continuing to look at the change, but the chemical changes. On Tuesday we are making Slime and talking about the changes that happen. We will discuss what our Aim is, and after making the Slime, we will reflect what we have done and if there are any changes we would like to make next time.

This week in Maths as a warm up each day we are going to work on skip counting to 20 by 2's. Along with this, we will be continuing working with the numbers up to 20 and knowing the number that comes before and after, identifying and ordering them. We will also be looking at different ways to make 10, using addition and adding ten (depending on their ability). 

With our Big Book this week, we are focusing on sequencing the story and processing the information we have read. We will also be discussing the meaning behind the book. In our reading groups, we are looking at the different reading strategy, to help understand what we have read and decoding an unknown word. Each group will be working on different strategies depending on their ability.
Image result for reading strategies menu for kids
This week is our last week we will be working on kicking passing and dribbling a soccer ball. Talk to your child about what part of their foot they should use and get outside with them to show you what they have learnt. 


  • Library Wednesday 
  • Assembly Friday at 2:20 pm 

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