Sunday 30 July 2017

Term 3: Week 2 Learning

Week 2: Please remember if you are wanting to come on our VLC Trip as a parent helper, we need to know ASAP as we will be sorting out parent helpers and groups for the trip. Thanks

In Writing this term we are going to be working or Narrative Writing. Where the children will be exploring the structure and layout of a Narrative piece of writing, Beginning, Middle and End, Problems and Solutions,  Characters, Setting and lots more. We will be reading a range of different Narrative Books to help their creative minds explore and working on unpacking the story and message of the book.

In Reading this term we will be revisiting the different strategies to work out an unknown word. We will be focusing on at least 1 of these each week. Remember, in the children's Communication Books there is this sheet to support you with your child's reading, for unpacking unknown words and also props for reading.  Talk with your child about what we have been focusing on each week. This week we will be working on Eagle Eyes; Looking at the pictures for clues to support their reading and decoding of unknown words.

In Maths this week we are working on Factions, finding a half and quarter of an object.  For the more able mathematics, we will introduce thirds. This is a great opportunity for you to work with your child at home. It can be as easy as when you are serving up dinner, how much each child is getting.

Parent Help; Letting the teacher know if you are able to help on our Trip next Monday 7th August (Week 3)
Library on Wednesday
Whole School Assembly at 2:20 pm on Friday

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