WOW, we are now into week 5 and halfway through this term already. Just a quick reminder to make sure you are checking your emails from the school, as we send out any important information and notices about school trips through email. Please remember on Tuesday school will be closing at 12:30 and check-in meetings will be running that afternoon. If you haven't already booked in, and have some questions please make an appointment or get in contact with me. On the 6th of September, we will be heading to Motat Museum to explore the movement of time through the History Village, Transport, and changes that have taken place. 

This week in Reading we will be focusing on the decoding strategy 'Chunky Monkey'. This is where the children will be looking for a chunk (-at, -an) in words or looking for a part in a word (th-, st- ed). Along with this, we are working on our comprehension and understanding of what we have read. We will be answering and asking, an open and closed question about the text that we have read. Work on this with your children at home.
Our Poem for this week is 'Grandpa' where we will be focusing on gr, rhyming and sight words.
The Big Book we will be looking at this week is 'Ratty Tatty'. We will be focusing on our understanding, comprehension, rhyming and decoding skills
In Writing we will be continuing on with our Narrative Stories we started last week. Last week we focused on that planning and introductions of our stories. This week we will be working on finishing the stories focusing on the Middle and Ending. We are proud of our stories and hoping to publish them in our own little books to be in our class library.
For Maths we will be continuing on with Skip Counting and Double to 20 for our whole class warm up. Along with this in our Maths groups, we will be working on different addition and subtraction problems using the strategy at their level.
- Tuesday: School Closing at 12:30
- Wednesday: Library
- Thursday: Junior Cross Country - Edith Hopper Park at 1.00 - 2.00pm
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