Wow, what an amazing job the children did with sharing their learning with you. They were all so excited about sharing it with their families and I hope you enjoyed seeing what they had been up to and the fabulous progress they have made over this year.
This week in reading we will be focusing and talking about using expression when reading, fluency and natural phrasing. By getting the children to read out loud, will help them develop this. Also, take the opportunities to read to your children and show them what good reading looks and sounds like. It is important for children to hear a book or 2 every day to help develop them as a reader. Take it even further and ask them a few questions to your child about the book you have just read to work on their comprehension. Also over the last week, a few of the children have been bring in books and want to read them to the class. This has been great to see for their confidence and the children love hearing each other read.

For writing, we are going to be working on a piece of report writing throughout this week. We will be picking and animal or bug that we would like to write our piece of writing on. We will be given a planning sheet and layout. On Friday we will be putting our writing all together into a book of our own. If your child comes home, asking about these animals or bugs, please help and talk to them about these questions so they can get a better understanding,
eg What does it eat, Habitat (Where it lives) and what I can do
This week in our Inquiry we begin to sort it out. This is where we will look through what we have done, What patterns and connections are we noticing? How is our thinking growing and changing? Do I have some new questions? What is confusing and challenging? We will be reflecting on these throughout this week and next, to decide how we would like to take this inquiry of 'Change' Further.
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