This week for Writing the children will be writing a persuasive piece, where they will be trying to persuade me 'why it's not a good idea to have a dinosaur as a pet'. We will be working on a layout where the children will need to write an introduction, give 3 reasons and a conclusion. Our main focus is that the children are using different sentence starters from our Persuasive Anchor Chart and using keywords in their writing to hook the audience in.
The Big Book we will be looking at this week is 'Baboon's Nest'. This book fits into what we are learning, with the range of vocabulary and onomatopoeias in the story. Along with this, while we are reading the book we will be working on identifying the beginning, middle and end, retelling the story, reading with fluency and expression, identifying the repeating sentences and the words and sounds of the week.
Our Poem for this week is 'The Funny Lady'. This poem we will be focusing on rhyming words, decoding the poem by using the pictures on the page and looking into word families.
In Maths we will be working on our basic facts problems. Each morning we will play the game around the world to see how quick we can get with them. Along with this, we will be working on collecting data in a tally chart and talking about what we have found. In their ability groups, we will continue looking into addition and subtraction and working on equal sharing.

This week we will be getting outside with the year 1's to continue practicing the field events and working on the skills we need to learn for the different activities. Also, we will be going outside on Thursday to practice our running and starting for the track.
Last week we had our first rotations of our VLC activities for Passion Friday. All the children got to pick 1 of the activities that our VLC had to offer to attend a for the next 5 Weeks. All the children came back buzzing from this and it was great to see them working with all the ages. This Friday will be our second rotation out of five.
You might have been hearing us practicing singing the 3 songs we are learning for the year 1's Christmas Show. All the children are really excited about getting up on stage and performing to all of our parents. We will be practicing the songs and dance throughout the weeks to come.
Save the Date: There will be two performances 6th Dec at 9:30 am and 7th Dec at 2 pm. We hope you can make one of the shows. Our theme is Christmas around the World. B3 is partnering with M1 to bring you a taste of a Hawaiian Christmas- ALOHA!
Where possible we will try to provide costume items, but request that parents of boys dancers and ukelele players try to find a Hawaiian style shirt and combine it with a pair of summer shorts. Start asking friends or family now if you don't have one in your child's wardrobe.
Girls, please wear a plain bright coloured singlet top (no words on the front if possible) and dark shorts/short for under their grass skirts. We will provide skirts and leis, but if you have a grass skirt or lei at home please send it/them in before we buy more to top up our collection).
A small number of children have asked to be palm trees- if that is your child they need brown/black pants and a long sleeve plain brown top (no writing if possible). At school, we will add leaves to the top with safety pins- similar to the picture below. I will be in touch if your child's costume differs from the above-listed items. If you know you will be absent for these dates, please let me know so we do not purchase items for your child.
Singers: Ivy, Charlie, Xeila
Ukulele: Artemus, Jaxon, Kaiden, Caleb, Jacob
Dancers: Jasmine, Mia, Zoe, Leila, Caitlyn, Evan, Aston, Liam, Cooper, Max, Matthew
Trees: Lucas, Wirimus

Just a quick reminder that all children need to remember their hat each day or they will need to hang out under the shade. Also, I will place the sunblock back up by the door where the children's lunch-boxes are, for you all to use. Another thing, there will be a mufti day just for fun on Tuesday 31st October. There is no obligation to come in costume and there is no donation required.
- Library Mondays
- Whole Assembly on Friday at 2:20 pm
- Please pay for the Trip